Friday, December 7, 2012

OH so many things to write, oh so little time

I am popping in for a quick tutorial on something I have been wanting to try but I haven't had the walls to hang them on... DIY canvas prints.

I cannot fathom spending the money on real "canvas prints" the ones that look professional and are actually printed on canvas and stretched around a frame... SO of course Pinterest inspired me to try my own. I found numerous tutorials on how to do it myself. All of which made it seem SO easy and quick and offered very limited guidelines or tips but I figured I got the jest of it so why not give it a whirl.

Gather all of your supplies first, I recommend doing one at a time until you get it the way you want it though... so keep that in mind before you go buy a billion different canvases and prints.

Here is a run down of what I used :

8 x 10 print ($1.49 at Sams club)
8 x 10 canvas (2 pk at $3.99 hobby lobby w 40% off coupon = $2.40 for 2.. so $1.20 for one)
Modge Podge, Matte finish (I already had this on hand but you can find it at a local craft store for about $7.99.. try to use a coupon with it)
black acrylic paint (already had on hand but usually runs around $2)
paint brush or sponge (already had on hand also but super cheap for a set $1)
exacto knife/razor blade
baggie (x2 to store paint brushes in)
paper plate (so you are not double dipping in modge podge or paint)
just some of the supplies ... and yes I had to do mine standing at the counter
because sitting with his big ol' 9 month prego belly is just too tough!
Ok so to begin, cover your work area well. You will need to leave it set up for around a day or two (depending on how much time throughout the day you have to dedicate to stopping whatever you are doing for a coat or two)

Go ahead and paint around your canvas. You do not need to limit yourself to just black. Depending on the tone of the photo in which you are using, you can leave it white or even change it up and use a color out of the photo. I chose black. I like the shadow effect it offers. With the black, I chose to do two coats, but I did them in stages. So to begin... just do a good coat of black. Make sure you paint all edges and about an inch into the canvas too.

Once the paint is COMPLETELY DRY... Now listen.. I don't mean dry so it doesn't come off your fingers, I mean completely dry. I made this mistake and ended up with the modge podge pulling the paint off the edges.. a MESS, completely fixable but still a mess! Ended up having to repaint it all again! So don't be like me.. start the project at night maybe and then in the morning when it is really dry continue. (also quick easy tip for overall painting... when you know you are going to working with the same color and paint brush again, simply seal the wet paint brush in a ziplock baggie until you need to use it again. It keeps it from drying out and keeps you from the headache of washing it all the time in between coats... Same goes for painting a room, store the wet roller in a bag!)

Once it is dry, go ahead and glue on your picture. Now Modge Podge was the way everyone was telling me to go. There are other options. There is a spray glue you can use too that will adhere easily to the canvas. But since you will need modge podge for the "sealer" and "finish" might as well use the miracle stuff for the glue too!.. Now tip on this.. spread it well and even, ALL THE WAY TO THE EDGES. When you place the picture on there, you will have a few moments to move it and mess with it before you press and let it dry. More than likely it will overlap over the edges, no worries, that is what the razor is for!  (oh and guess what.. the baggie trick works for the modge podge brush too!)

FYI... if you knick the canvas (don't go all killer on it) you will have that second
chance with the black paint to cover over any imperfections left by the razor blade!
Push the "bubbles out" and firmly press down on the canvas to adhere all the glue to the photo flip over to dry

So let that dry for probably about 30 minutes. Modge Podge works quick so it dries pretty well (as long as you didn't go all crazy and use tons of it) Once it is dry, turn canvas picture side down, on a very clean surface (I use a clean cutting board/plastic, that I use for alot of my crafting). Use the razor to cut the excess around the canvas.

Now here is where I got frustrated. One of the tutorials I read told me to just cut and then modge podge over... well once I cut the excess around the print, I discovered the white of the photo paper showed quite drastically against the black border. So I was left with a bit of a dilemma... I knew I didn't like how it looked, but I was a bit terrified to paint the edges again. But I decided it really needed it because on my first one I didn't let dry all the way and I needed to cover the spots where the modge podge and paint didn't agree... So I took out my sponge brush and just lightly brushed on another coat, making sure to also hit the edges of the photo paper.... and guess what.. I LOVED IT! It sort of "set" the photo to the canvas where I had painted it black. SO this is where that second coat of black for the edges of the canvas comes into play.

no black - white photo paper showing through, with some modge podge 
clean black surface, tying the picture into the canvas with the black!

Now once all that is dried well, grab your baggied modge podge brush and now comes the scary part.. modge podge OVER the print! Take your brush, start with the edges, go around the print brushing towards the edge to "seal" the edge of the print to the canvas. Do not freak out like I did when you can obviously see the modge podge as you are brushing. It truly does dry clear. And infact, those brush marks you are seeing, you want them! When it does dry completely the brush strokes give the photo character to make it seem more like a real canvas print not the smooth glass of photo paper. Now once you have completed the edges, go ahead and modge podge starting from the top all the way down to the bottom in a thin layer. Leave it to dry..
you want that random brush marks! Believe me it dries clear!
Tip - smooth out the modge podge around the picture well! 
You don't want clumps!

When you come back you will see the white has disappeared and you are left with your canvas! Neat huh  And super easy. So far I have only done these 8 x 10 ones. I am itching to try larger prints but the larger you go the more expensive the canvas and the photo print so I wanted to try these first. Also after doing color vs black and white I prefer the black and white. The color you can tell is a photo print onto a canvas upon closer inspection, but with the black and white it almost enhances the lighter tones of the photo.

Black and white canvas print finish -
*** Notice the black carrying from the print to the canvas..
 this is why I like the black and white print using this technique better***

** this is completely dry! See the awesome brush strokes the matte
Modge Podge leaves! Gives it that real canvas texture!  ***

So have fun you guys!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

My sanity binder

*****Disclaimer: I am very aware of how "dangerous" it can be to have all of your personal important information gathered in one place. However, I am also adamant on the use of a safe within the home, or even a safety deposit box within a bank. This safe must be one in which is too heavy for a thief to simply pick up and take out of your house, also it can even be bolted to the floor, cabinet, etc in order to insure it cannot be moved. This binder is always secured in our safe unless it is in my hands in use then it is promptly returned to the safe considering its contents. So please, if you do think of incorporating  this organizational system into your household, be sure to consider your level of responsibility with regards to putting it back into a secure environment where it will be kept away from insecure eyes. If you are not sure you will be able to secure the binder every time you use it, keep the important documents and information out of it and simply use it as a general information tool.

A few months ago my dear friend Karen showed me a website that has thoroughly inspired me daily on my quest to remain organized, and continue to build on my organization obsession to help my household run smoothly. Jen at I heart Organizing is a girl after my own heart. She is a mother and business owner. She relies on her organizational skills to help save money and keep as much dysfunction out of their everyday as possible. One of the initial posts I read was regarding her household binder. Within this binder she explained she kept important information that helped her household run smoothly. She has a few different ones such a home maintenance, bills, medical etc. I have been meaning to take this as the inspiration to make my own that works for my family.

First let me proclaim my reasoning for taking on this task::::

1) Within the craziness I call my household, I am very very type A personality and my husband in VERY type B.. and throw in a wild toddler who constantly has us on our toes, things get misplaced, forgotten and misconstrued. I needed something that was easy access and organized.

2) With a military family, we move ALOT... by alot I mean for us it has been every 1-2 years lately, with an entire new region every 4 years. So while i have kept accurate records in files in my computer desk drawer, I needed something a little easier to handle in the midst of a move.

3) Ever sifted through a filing cabinet, then found the file you wanted only to discover the paper you are looking for must have fallen through the file or gotten filed in the wrong order thus making it impossible to quickly grab what you need and go... Yea.. happened to us ALL THE TIME! Being type A I CANNOT STAND not being able to find something. It drives me nuts. I have always adopted the concept "A place for everything and everything in its place" thus keeping the mystery out of where that birth certificate went, or the bill from 3 months ago that I need to compare to the bill from this month etc... properly organized and store and put back where it belongs THE FIRST TIME allows dysfunction to morph into a functional system.

There were other little things within those reasons too but those were the most important. So after my friend Karen got on point and got her household binder completed and bragged about how much easier it was to keep things together, I knew that with the extra time I had on my hands after completing my psychology degree (yep whoopie.. go me) and with Jaxon in school and my husband here before heading to VA, there was no better time then to get my butt in gear and get mine made. I knew initially it would be time consuming, mainly because I am a perfectionist and I want it done like yesterday so I knew I would work until it was close to perfect as possible. So.... If you are like me.. allow yourself an entire Saturday or weekend to complete it.. if you are more laid back.. just take it a step at a time over time and let it build. I know mine will be forever changing and adapting but that is part of the fun!

1) First was planning it. I did some research into what other people had used in theirs. I adapted that to what works for my family right now. I began simply brainstorming about what information would be nice to have readily available at my finger tips vs having to constantly look things up. I began with these following Headers and then within those I knew I would create subtitles. This is what mine ended up being (let me also advise these are FOREVER changing and I have ALL templates on my computer organized within a household binder file so I can easily go back and reprint to change.. more on that in a minute)
 A) Home
             Home Maintenance Quick Reference Page
             Home Maintenance Charts (both weekly "chores" and monthly and then yearly, separated into seasons)
             Insurance information (for us it is renters for now)
             Cell phone information
              ***this will expand as we are soon to buy our first house.. continued is what I suspect I will include after buying our home***
             Electric Company info
             Water Company info
             Home Owner's association info
             Cable/satellite info
             Home Phone info
             Alarm Company info
             Yard maintenance info
             etc (the key is to personalize this to your personal needs within your home.. anything involving the actual home will go in this heading)
B) Finance
            Finance Quick Reference
            Monthly reoccurring expenses quick check sheet
            Monthly Budget Builder
           Checks deposited (our banking is solely electronic so once we scan/deposit a check, I keep the    checks stored here just in case any discrepancies arise)
            *** I plan on expanding this to keep up with our monthly expenses and spending once we move to our permanent home as well *****
C) Automotive
             Cars quick reference
             Car 1 (camry) info
                          maintenance log
                         any maintenance paperwork
              Car 2 (Silverado) info
                          maintenance log
                          any maintenance paperwork
              Car insurance info
              Vehicle History (to include cars we have had in the past)
D)  Medical (this was very important to me to keep up with all of mine and Jaxon's medical visits within the past few years)
              Medical Quick Reference
              Child #1 Immunization reports & Medical visit history
              Child # 2 Immunization reports and Medical visit history
              My medical history
E) School
              Child #1 School info by grade
               Child #2 School info by grade
               Alan school info by grade
               ** this will expand to mine whenever I go back for my masters**
E) Important Documents
               File for each of us to properly store SS card, Birth Certificate, Marriage Record, Power of Attorney etc
F) Various folder
               Online Passwords record
               Previous Residences information
               Important events and dates

So once I got all these things written down I knew I could go shop for my supplies. I simply went to staples and target (PS anyone realize staples is INCREDIBLY overpriced!).. I knew I needed:

*nice heavy duty binder (started with a 2inch.. might expand to a 3 once we get to TX)
*Dividers with pockets
*tabs to create subheaders
*page protectors
*a plastic folder thing to label for "to be filed or recorded" (the blue thing)
*document folders (for important doc section.. page protectors allow sheets or documents to potentially fly out of the top of it so I prefer to store them in an enclosed folder with a snap or velco to secure the documents more soundly)
*pencil pouch
*vis-a-vis pens (to be able to create my monthly budget then simply wipe it off)
*laminating equipment (my mom owned one of these already)
*a note pad small enough to fit in the binder for any brainstorming or notes (not pictured)

So for about $25 I had everything I needed.. of course spending a little more for the fun colors etc because I wanted it to be something I wanted to see.. plus I love color coordinating anything!

Next came the time consuming part. Creating the templates on the computer. I knew I could pay someone money for some they already created but possibly they would be personalized well to my liking, so being frugal, I created my own. They are extremely simple and does not show any fancy graphic design talent but it gets the job done! I will go by my headings and share what I used as my templates (however, for the life of me I cannot figure out how to share with you the actual template.. So either a) make your own,or b) email me and I can email you the file!

For each any ever section (sometimes even subsections) I made a quick reference sheet. These are for any phone numbers, log in information, etc that would be something I would want to keep log of. It makes it easy to just turn to that section and grab instead of looking through other areas. I cannot show you all of mine because well, I already filled them out but as it shows in the bottom section of this post I have a contents page.. any questions just let me know and I will promptly email you the template you might want to have a look at!

As you can see these are in page protectors, thus I can simply remove and fill out as time goes on, or reprint and then fill out again if the information changes!

This is the weekly chore log. I LIVE by this in my own home. Every day I have a task, nothing major, but every day a certain area of the house gets cleaned, instead of waiting until the last minute and cramming it into a Saturday where I would MUCH rather be spending time playing with my son or out on a family outing. Such as in GA Mondays were Kitchen days, scrub appliances, wipe cabinets, move and wipe counters etc. Tuesdays were Floors, mop, scrub floors all over the house. Wednesdays were bathrooms, Thursdays were windows/doors and dusting
Fridays were toys, reorganize and clean any toys
Saturday were devoted to family and Sundays were laundry days. Of course there are things in between you have to do, especially if people were coming over, but keeping it simple and not overwhelming to all out field day the house in one day kept things much more manageable. Everyday of course there were tasks too, dishes, vacuum, make beds etc...

This is also laminated so I can simply write on them in vis-a-vis and wipe off when there needs to be a change!

I can already tell this is going to be a life saver in our new home. Keeping track of those little things. When you changed the smoke detector last, when the air filters need to be changed, as well as seasonal cleanings that need to happen, AC check up etc..

As you can tell these are laminated. Thus I can write on them with a vis-a-vis and wipe them off every year to be refilled out next year.


Here is the major reason I made this binder. I needed a way to keep up with account #'s, Log in info, expenses etc.. so that instead of rummaging through the file drawer for what we spent on whatever a few months ago I can look here! And instead of having to change or look up password after password etc I can simply go to the safe, pull this out and find it.. As can my husband!
here are a few pages from mine
Laminated for filling out each month


This is more for my benefit. I needed an area to keep track of previous vehicles as well as car maintenance instead of keeping the papers in the glove box where they can easily be lost. Also to keep track of when the air filter was changed last or the tires rotated etc.


This was self explanatory. This area helps me to keep track of Jaxon's, mine and baby #2's current and previous doctor visits. And, I reluctantly admit, to keep track better of medications we have been prescribed or diagnosis's etc. With two kiddos I know this will come in handy!


This pertains more toward Jaxon and Alan at the moment. I wanted somewhere to keep track of Jaxon's School history. Considering we will move alot etc, I wanted somewhere to keep track of his teachers etc. I have a separate file box for each year he goes to school with pictures,  work etc.. but this is just for quick reference!


This section I have quite a few things in. I have previous residency information page in there just because I don't want it junking up my home section.  For a military family, this is actually very helpful when trying to remember certain addresses from back in the day for background checks, applications etc.

I also include in this section any pet information. For Roxie I keep her most recent vaccination records, her vet information as well as her homelink information if she were ever lost. I have already been able to use this section and it was SO much nicer then shuffling through files.

My completed Binder! Yes it is quite thick, mainly from the important document folders section. I plan on looking for some less bulky options in the future.

Here is a run down of the outline of my binder::::

A) Home
          1) Home Maintenance Quick Reference Page
          2) Laminated Weekly Chore Chart
          3) Laminated Home Maintenance Check List
          4) Renters Insurance Quick Reference
          5) Renters Insurance Policy
          6) Verizon Wireless Quick Reference
          7) Verizon Wireless Contract
          1) Finance Quick Reference
          2) Monthly Reoccurring Expenses
          3) Build a budget Worksheet
          4) file folder with checks deposited
          5) Each Bill Expense record
          1) Car Quick Reference
          2) Toyota Maintenance Log
                    -copy of registration
                   -all maintenance paperwork
                   -purchasing paperwork
          3)Chevy Maintenance Log
                   -copy of registration
                   -all maintenance paperwork
                   -purchasing paperwork
          4) Vehicle History
          1) Medical Quick Reference
          2) Doctor Appointment Records (for each member)
          3) Well Baby Check up Record (for each child)
          4)Immunization record (for each child)
E) School
          1) School info (for each child)
          2) Alan school info
F)Important Documents
          1) Folder for Becky Documents
                   -SS card, Birth Certificate, Voter Registration Card
          2) Folder for Alan Documents
                   -SS Card, Birth Certificate
          3) Folder for Jaxon Documents
                   -SS Card, Birth Certificate
          4) Folder for Baby A Documents
          5) Folder for Jaxon savings bonds
          6) Folder for Various
                   -marriage license, power of attorney
          -Pet information sheet
          -Vaccination records
          -Previous Residences
          -Random Log in passwords etc

Helpful Hints:

1) This is NOT to be a substitution fro your file folder. This just a quick reference, easy grab. Now here is my two cents on file folders also. I have one yes, mostly for alan's awards, Jaxon's school artwork etc.. however, keeping things such as bills, tax info etc... It can be easily scanned into a computer, and stored on a hard drive separate from the computer. The old school in us wants everything on paper.. These days almost all bills etc can be found online somewhere and keeping a copy of it on a hard drive takes up MUCH less room and is so easily stored and organized. Also to think of is the fact that in an emergency, a hard drive is much easier to grab than a huge filing cabinet. Keep it minimum. I have a file box for Jaxon's school (minimal.. separated by each year), a box for Alan's military stuff (mainly because he keeps it so unorganized and wild I cannot stand to look in it.. so it is his space). my household binder. then an external harddrive with important bill paperwork stored on it. Our Tax info is stored online as well as on my harddrive too.. Just print and there ya go if you ever need copies!

2). Personalize... I like to have templates and write things in. If you have terrible handwriting, feel free to type things in and just change them and reprint as you go! Simple enough. Add a little here and there. It will never be "perfect" or compeleted. Life, especially ours, is ALWAYS changing so will my household binder!

3) Use your to be filed folder well, but make a point to sit down at least once a week to organize or put in information. This too could easily become a wild mess if you just throw things in the binder.. Remember it is supposed to help you not hinder you. so while piling up papers in your "to be filed" folder is easy in a pinch, it is not a final fix.. you MUST keep up with it!

4).. If you remove something from the binder, IE the SS card or a contract . keep note of it on your small note pad as to where you are taking it and when you took it. And of course ALWAYS return it as quickly as you can as to not misplace it!

5)... Probably one of the most important for personal identity .. NEVER EVER remove the entire binder from your house (if it contains private information. That includes vacations, quick trips etc... Remove what you might need and put it in a separate folder etc to carry with you (marking what you took etc)... Taking all the info in my binder out of my house could propose a HUGE issue if ever I were to misplace it while out and about. Of course when moving that is a different story.. leave it locked in the safe! or on your person at all times within the actual move itself! Scary stuff I know!

So I know I wrote a TON... Sorry to be long winded. I just want my thought process to be understood so when you go to make your own you are able to somewhat understand my train of thought!! Any questions PLEASE do not hesitate to comment or email me!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Heaven in a glass bowl

So about three weeks ago I stumbled upon this recipe on the almighty Pinterest

I decided to make it for a church pot luck lunch and let me tell you.. it was a huge hit! So simple and yet so scrumptious! 

And in true Becky Daigle fashion, I had to jazz it up a bit the next time I made it to make it my own... I mean after all.. in all honesty that is what I want to inspire people through this blog to do. Never settle on a recipe just because, you are allowed to make it own.. jazz it up.. leave out a few unwanted ingredients or add something. Make mistakes.. it is all part of cooking.. it is the fun part!

So I decided to add a few things. Since it is obviously candy based, with the reese's, I continued with that theme and added Rolo's and then some caramel and hot fudge layers as well. 


(please note that all pictures are as is.. no edits.. my son is taking a nap and my "good computer" with software is right next to his bedroom wall.. thus no editing)

1 box of your desired brownie mix, the family size it best if you want lots of brownie bits (PLUS all ingredients needed to make desired brownies.. it will vary with each brand)
4 cups of cold 2% milk (not pictured.. duh)
4 tsp vanilla extract (also not pictured.. duh)
2 5.1 oz instant vanilla pudding
1 cup creamy (or if you are living on the wild side, crunchy) peanut butter
1 giant tub (sorry forgot the volume) of cool whip (or two reg size tubs)
candy bar of choice... mine are rolos and reese cups... I cannot remember the size I got so just get plenty and then if you have extra.. then yum
caramel sauce (not pictured)
hot fudge sauce (not pictured)

First of course, make your brownies. cook until well done and then allow to cool. Once cooled cut or crumble them.

Assemble pudding in large (and I mean large) bowl

combine 4 cups cold with pudding mix and whisk for 2 minutes. The mixture will thicken into a pudding texture.
beginning of mixing pudding... very runny
desired pudding consistency after your arm feels like it will fall off... I miss my kitchen aid mixer!

Next stir (or whisk) in 1 cup of desired peanut butter (I chose creamy... I figured there was enough texture going on with the candy) as well as the 4 tsp of vanilla extract

Lemme take a second to plug the pampered chef solid, liquid measurer thing picture here.. Ever tried to measure peanut butter in a reg measuring cup? then get it out of that said measuring cup... yes this thing just pushes the "solid" up and out no major mess or headache.. definitely worth the cost.. I think i bought mine for like $12...
Fold in the cool whip

Now there is an art to folding. It is not "stiring" anything because you do not want the ingredients to thoroughly combine and thus breaking down the cool whip itself. instead you are literally folding the pudding over the cool whip to incorporate the cool whip into sort of a swirl with the pudding mixture.... 

Now comes assembly... gather your ingredients and make sort of a work station with all of them...

Now comes the part where I have to sort of stop with pictures. As I was completing this dish my chocolate loving toddler finally noticed I was cooking with candy... thus his interest became overwhelmingly distracting.. so I rushed through assembly in order to get it done and hidden in the fridge before he could get his hand in any of the ingredients and thus ruin his supper!

Layering begins with a smooth layer of the pudding mixture (not alot.. just enough to cover the bottom of the dish)... then add 1/2 of the brownie crumbles, 1/3 of each candy, and a good drizzle of both caramel and fudge...

continue layers with 1/2 of the remaining pudding mixture, 1/2 brownie crumbles 1/3 each candy and a good drizzle of caramel and fudge

end with final half of pudding, a good drizzle of caramel and fudge and finally the reserved cool whip...

you should at this point have a 1/3 of each candy remaining... this is to "garnish" the top of the desert... Create a fun design...

refrigerate and serve chilled!

A few helpful hints with this recipe....

the original recipe called for the minature reese cups all unwrapped and cut in half that would be within the trifle... well that was awful.... I spent 45 minutes unrolling the dang things and it was terrible! Well with this recipe I found the even smaller, already unwrapped ones for INSIDE the trifle so the only one I had to unwrap went on top for the garnish... thus saving lots of time and frustration.. Same goes for the rolos... you can find the bite size... one bag was plenty for inside the trifle.. in this instance though instead of doing 1/3 of the candy mixture per layer.. you would use 1/2 of each candy in the inside and then garnish with some miniature ones you can unwrap

Second useful tip... for those who's children might have a peanut allergy or those who are not fond of that kind of candy etc..

you can EASILY do this to any specific liking. Just omit the peanut butter from the pudding... and then use your desired candy bar... hersey, just plain chocolate kisses.. add caramel to the pudding instead and then use rolos only...

This recipe is SO easily adaptable. And really such a crowd pleaser! This particular recipe makes enough for probably 20 plus people in my opinion. It is SO rich that really a small portion is needed per person. It  cant easily be cut in half to serve less people or a family dessert all week!

Enjoy :)))