A dear wonderful close friend of mine asked me today, in my opinion what should she bring pack to bring to the hospital for her upcoming delivery of her first child. I sort of giggled because I barely packed anything when I delivered my son, and well it was a mistake! I figured it is only a day and I can live without things... whoa boy was I wrong! Yes the hospital provides the necessities, but it is similar to what you would expect out of a "jail stay".. the BARE necessities. Goopy soap and oily shampoo etc. Scratchy towels and thin blankets etc.
So here is my "experienced" list. Now granted where I delivered my son was a different kind of hospital. The rooms were both the delivery room as well as recovery as well as post par-tum. It was wonderful. One room the entire time with my newborn by my side the entire time. So I am sure this next delivery for me will be different due to it being at a different hospital with different accommodations.
To keep with you at all times!
Camera - Charged, with back ups and triple check the memory cards!
Phone- not for you to use, but for you to refer to your hubby. I was SO thankful my husband stood in and took phone calls for me. Here is the deal.. for all you friends/family of those who will be delivering a child anytime soon... DO NOT CALL EVERY TWO SECONDS... I know you will want to, you want to be updated as much as possible. But the most annoying thing to me while attempting to deal with the pain from childbirth was the phone ringing off the hook... So let your husband keep the phone, on vibrate of course.. and if you are up to date with social media, USE IT.. make sure your family is plugged in somewhere and just update there whenever there are changes.
My requirements basically say, anything that you can think of that will make you the most comfortable..
-Pillow ...(and even one for your hubby) bring one from home with a pillowcase you can throw out, or even the pillow itself later if needed. Scratchy, noisy, yucky reused hospital pillows GROSS ME OUT...
-Socks - Yes socks. They will give you some special socks more than likely but I wanted my own to simply because I am always cold and while the rest of you will be exposed to the entire room, at least your feet will be comfy!
- music - some people are more soothed by certain music, I am not that person but I know those who are.. so bring your ipod and some headphones and get in your happy pain bearing place!
-a book, laptop, etc- something for entertainment- for those people like me who chose the epidural route, it can be a boring lengthy wait. Bring something that will keep you occupied. Yes they have a TV but your idea of entertainment might be something different of your husbands.
-a cheap robe... Ok so this is one not everyone will care about, and most don't even think about.. but those hospital gowns, well they leave A LOT to be desired... I was freezing, exposed, uncomfortable and just plain miserable in the stupid gown that was about four sizes too big, wouldn't stay up due to all the lines running everywhere on me... So if you are going all natural, not epidural lines etc, bring a robe or a sweater etc that you would be ok with throwing out after the whole experience (this all pending whether the nurses will fight you on wearing it period though but I plan on fighting being able to wear one until I get my epidural)
Post Partum:
This is where I majorly faltered! I just figured I could tough it out until I got home. Yea not so much. I was miserable!
-Clothing - I chose to bring gowns just in case of a c-section. Make sure whatever you bring is comfortable first and foremost. The hospital will provide underwear made for post partum, I would recommend using those versus ruining some you bought with your own money!
-Blankets - I am blanket fanatic. The warmer, fluffier, heavier the better! Those hospital blankets just did not cut it for me! I didn't bring one but man did I wish I had! Be nice and pack one for your hubby too so he has something better to curl up on those awful pull out couches with
-toiletries- I did bring these and man was I happy I did. I made the choice to run and grab those little travel bottles of shampoo, body wash, conditioner, toothpaste, etc. NOTHING feels better than that first shower after delivering a child. I brought my own loofah too (I disposed of it after the hospital stay though.. hospitals gross me out.. they are supposed to be the most sanitary, however they are proven to be other wise.. )
-towel - this time I will bring my OWN TOWEL.. a white one I can bleach or simply throw away.. but the "towel" the hospital provided was like two foot by one foot hand towel that would have been far more suitable for cleaning truck tires them wiping moisture from my delicate areas.. Trust me.. go to target, grab a white $4.50 bath towel and face cloth and just bill it to your own comfort level.
-Snacks- Now this is something you will not want anywhere near you for the labor part.. because you aren't allowed to eat it! Miserable I know... but after you will be famished.. yes there is hospital food but I would recommend having a small bag of your favorite munchies in your car you can bring up for after the labor, for both you and your husband. or have a list made up for your family to run and grab for you after. Also maybe a list of meals you would like instead of hospital food.
Slippers.. how did I forget slippers. or flip flops.. something to throw on while walking around the room.. something that you don't need to bend over to slide on... Did I mention hospitals GROSS ME OUT...
-Nursing stuff:::
-Lanolin gel/cream.. SLATHER this stuff in between feedings. It is best to PREVENT cracking and bleeding and this is the way to do it... take it from someone who didn't even think about this.... just do it! Even start applying it before you even deliver... to prepare those sensitive two body parts that are so important to your newborn
-Boppy - also important for learning to position your baby! It is a huge help!
-nursing cover- because well, guests will be coming and unless you are completely ok with everyone seeing you nursing, a cover might come in handy
- soothers - there are these brilliant inventions that they make to help soothe your boobs during the first bits of nursing, they can be heated or cooled and they are amazing. I didn't necessarily need them until a few days into nursing but they could possibly come in handy
-know your rights - know how you feel about breast feeding. Make the nurses aware, in any situation, you do NOT want the baby given a bottle first.. Unless 100% necessary for the babies health of course.
-Bottle fed::
- most all hospitals offer samples of formula for use while in the hospital. Use these while there. your insurance is paying for them.. might as well save some $$ while you are there!
pacis - I say this under bottle fed because from experience and studies, using a paci while nursing would prove problems with latching.. however, with bottle fed, it might help soothe the baby. The hospital will provide some, but this is purely your choice if you want a certain kind used. *EDIT* if you do not want your child given a paci.. make sure you state this fact to the nurses as well as your family.. even make a cute small sign to put in the bassinet that states some facts.. such as "breast fed baby.. no formula or pacis"
Of course the "duh stuff" for the baby....
-clothing. (for a couple of days... lots of extras because of the classic newborn blowouts as you learn how to properly apply a diaper) the gowns worked best for us! something you can open easily to do those frequent diaper changes
- socks
- mittens (also can use socks on their hands to keep from scratching)
- hats (newborns lose most of their body heat out of the tops of their heads.. so keep them kozy with cut little hats.. the hospital will provide one usually but it can get grimy after a few days)
- dont worry about diapers. The hospital will provide (and bill your insurance) as many as you need.. use them while you are there.. even take any that are in your room as you leave.. if they are in your room, you are charged for them already...
- Wipes will also be provided so unless you are going to be brand specific, use what your insurance is already paying for
-Blankets - Good swaddler blankets. My son HATED being swaddled... but we still kept him warm and comfy regardless just not as bound tight
-Carseat... I know this a duh but seriously.. a PROPERLY installs car seat base in your car and the actual carrier itself. Be prepared and familiar with how the car seat works and feels. Run by the police station or local fire department where they can teach you to properly install a car seat. It is incredibly important for the safety of your child to know how to properly install a car seat, not just your husband but you as well!
That is my basic list. I am sure I am forgetting things here and there but seriously, the most important thing to think about is what you are comfortable having around you. You will be staying there for a few days and with being as uncomfortable as you are post partum anyway, you will want things around you that comfort you. things you would take when staying at a hotel (and then some)... plus whatever else you think you will need. Seriously.. you would rather have it there then have to send your husband or family member home to find it.. If you are anything like me.. explaining where something is while in pain or sleep deprived, is not my idea of fun!